Conversations with the Expert: Mental Health in Teenagers
Transcript: Scooter: So hey, welcome. We’re so glad that you decided to join us today on our Uplink on the Road webinar. My name is Scooter Kellum, I am the
Transcript: Scooter: So hey, welcome. We’re so glad that you decided to join us today on our Uplink on the Road webinar. My name is Scooter Kellum, I am the
Today’s topic is having a student ministry that is both deep and wide. There are a couple scriptures that really apply to this topic. First, we’re all familiar with The
The first thought you might have when we consider the topic of how to end well in youth ministry might be, “But I’m not going anywhere!” That may be true,
I hope the information you glean today is going to help you as you try to incorporate meditation into your daily spiritual disciplines to try to live more for Christ.
Earlier we talked about what worship is, so today we’re going to unpack some practical ways to implement elements of worship into your ministry. We know that worship is more
Today we’re going to be talking about the question, “What is worship?” To me, the go-to verse for this is Romans 12:1, which says, “Therefore, I urge you brothers and