Sports Chaplaincy
This is a difficult post for me. For most of the time I have been in ministry, I have been involved with ministry to sports teams. I have a game
This is a difficult post for me. For most of the time I have been in ministry, I have been involved with ministry to sports teams. I have a game
Children tend to become lifetime disciples when they live with parents who love Jesus, exude Jesus, talk about Jesus, and connect like Jesus. Each of these five factors merits careful
Social media and a “me-centered” popular culture have driven our teenagers to a level of narcissism possibly never seen before. What does youth ministry look like in an age of
During worship early each morning, I post something to Twitter and Facebook. What I post usually is a thought that arises during my time in Scripture and prayer. Sometimes that
I have an internet class for the first time, which is both terrifying and ironic. When you have an internet class as an instructor, it never lets you clock out.
Awakening is a church saturated with the supremacy of Christ by the Spirit of Christ. God floods His church with fresh hope, passion, prayer, and mission by refocusing believers on
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy: You are to labor six days and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your
Fourteen years ago, God moved my family from Tennessee to Texas. Teaching at the seminary and speaking in churches has been a delight. Even richer has been the hours I
Accountability is one of those words that has lost its meaning through overuse. It is a helpful concept, but it may have been over spiritualized with “accountability partners,” “accountability groups,”
Everyone needs grace. But perhaps teenagers need it a little more than others. They are at a point in life when they want and need to know they are acceptable,