Why YMlink?

Youth ministry is important, and we can’t do it alone. That’s why YMlink exists; to bring youth pastors from across the state together to impact students for eternity!

YMlink Network

Get connected with youth pastors within your district and around the state. We want you to be plugged into the YMlink Network. Check out our interactive map to see who your district catalyst is!

YMlink Partners with Alabama Baptist Churches and Associations to Fulfill our One Mission - the Great Commission.

The office of Collegiate & Student Ministries at the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions exists to resource, equip, and serve youth ministries across the state of Alabama. 

Hands pointing to parts of a strategic plan written out on a roll of white paper on a table.

Why Strategic Vision Matters

This is the time of year when many people begin to reevaluate and refine goals and vision for the upcoming year. While the start of the new year often ignites

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YMlink Blog

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