Hanging On to Adultness in Youth Ministry
I was once in a conversation with a group of teenagers about friends and friendships. It became apparent that students felt like friendships were a big deal during the adolescent
I was once in a conversation with a group of teenagers about friends and friendships. It became apparent that students felt like friendships were a big deal during the adolescent
While I’m drinking coffee with young youth ministers, someone usually asks, “If you could start all over as a youth minister—knowing what you know now—what would you do differently?” Great
Last month, we talked about the idea of assessment–figuring out where you are in your ministry. A reminder that you do not know where you are, it is difficult to
By the will of the Father and the power of the Spirit, the first love of the church today is to be focused on the Son. That first love is
Guest Article by Abe Haley, FBC Covington, LA (slamminthoughts.blogspot.com) Note from Allen: The stereotype of the “rock star” youth worker is one of a twenty-something hipster with skills in guitar,
I sometimes imagine the King having dinner. This particular night He does not sit at the long, massive table. He has chosen the low table with cushions so He can
One of the hardest things to do in youth ministry is to figure out where you are. Early sailors used a sextant to find their position by sighting the stars.
By God’s grace I am out speaking every Sunday of the school year. Preaching and speaking on the road are a joy and a privilege. But if God told me
Social networking had made us start counting our friends. Or our followers. Or our circles. Or whatever label is given to quantify our relationships. I remember back in the early days