A Lifetime of Learning
Youth ministers have innumerable ways to express their delight in Christ and His glory. One of those ways is learning about Him, His kingdom, and His ministry for a lifetime.
Youth ministers have innumerable ways to express their delight in Christ and His glory. One of those ways is learning about Him, His kingdom, and His ministry for a lifetime.
Christ is the founder of youth ministry, the goal of youth ministry, and the one who should shape youth ministry. Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch say it this way: “It
The National Study of Youth and Religion (NSYR) sent shock waves through the youth ministry world. This in-depth and trustworthy research project discovered that the faith of most church teenagers
During worship early each morning, I post something to Twitter and Facebook. What I post usually is a thought that arises during my time in Scripture and prayer. Sometimes that
Everyone needs grace. But perhaps teenagers need it a little more than others. They are at a point in life when they want and need to know they are acceptable,
Being terminated might be one of the most stressful and painful experiences a youth minister can have. If you have been terminated or you fear you may be, here are
God designed and created the cosmos, designed and created the human being, and designed and created the Bible. Since the same infinite mind created all three, it is entirely predictable
Gregg Makin did a PhD dissertation titled “Understanding the Turnover Intentions of Youth Pastors.” His study sought to answer the question: What contributes to youth minister turnover where they thinking
Find below thirteen principles for youth ministers that you’ll want to take note of to improve your marriage. 1. Every day of every year of marriage, the primary question is,
I know about stressful days in church leadership and youth ministry. Twice I thought I was about to be terminated. Beyond my own experiences in Youth Ministry I have had