Intentional Relationships During the Holidays
In 1994, my wife Judi and I moved from being on church staff for the first 15 years of our marriage to being faculty here at the seminary. Our move
In 1994, my wife Judi and I moved from being on church staff for the first 15 years of our marriage to being faculty here at the seminary. Our move
So the election season is upon us. In Louisiana, our motto is “vote early, vote often” (probably need to know a little Louisiana history to get that one–Google Huey Long).
Social media and a “me-centered” popular culture have driven our teenagers to a level of narcissism possibly never seen before. What does youth ministry look like in an age of
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy: You are to labor six days and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your
This is a guest blog written by Emily Tillman who gave this as a talk at YMI2014, the youth ministry conference at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Until May
A increasingly popular buzz word in business and in ministry is mentoring. When I googled the word, over 3 million hits came back. As a process (or relationship), mentoring has
One of my good friends in ministry (and a pastor in Alabama!) has a ministry of encouragement. Any time I am in the room with him, he makes me feel
Relating to parents in youth ministry is a bit of a loaded issue. I want to be quick to state my assumption–you are a youth minister who would like to
A biblical relationship is one that has at its center biblical principles as we relate human to human. Relationships are with those both inside and outside of the youth ministry.
I was once in a conversation with a group of teenagers about friends and friendships. It became apparent that students felt like friendships were a big deal during the adolescent