YMlink is passionate about linking youth ministers together. We offer two great options for quality retreats in which we bring unity to our homes, churches, associations, and state by networking and building quality friendships with men and women that are in the trenches of youth ministry with you.
Youth Minister's Retreat
We at YMlink believe that if we all had someone investing in us then we could be more successful in ministry. Therefore, we are putting together a great opportunity for youth ministers to come and worship with us in a distraction-free environment. You’ll learn from other men and women at this retreat and leave healthier, energized, and more driven to make disciples in ministry.
Marriage Retreat
Doing something wrong for many years, can change a person’s perspective when things are right. This Marriage Retreat is something that we at YMlink are passionate about because we believe that Godly Marriages lead to successful ministry. If we get the home front right then we have great potential to do great things for the churches we serve. Therefore we have designed a fun, worshipful, and relaxing weekend retreat for a small group of youth ministers and their spouses. Come be poured into and learn to enjoy each other in the midst of ministry.
Wives Retreat
It is common for youth ministers to go to conferences, network, and plan events with other youth ministers. They then go home and tell their wives about all the new friends they have made. Ministry wives are often home with kids or alone while husbands are out eating good and hanging out with friends. At YMlink we want to give youth ministry wives a chance to get away, be invested in, network, make new friends and enjoy the retreat.
YM Link Network
Get connected with youth pastors within your district and around the state. We want you to be plugged into the YMlink Network. Check out our interactive map to see who your district catalyst is!