What is SPEAK Tour?
The YM Link team met and dreamed about how we can reach students, age 12 to 18, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our goal is not just to reach students, but also to assimilate them into churches for baptism, and to mobilize them to go out and reach their neighbors. With that dream in mind, the heartbeat of our team is to pour into Alabama Baptist churches across all areas of our state by partnering with local associations. We have been working really hard to build a network around our state with a catalyst for each of our six regions and a network strategist for each association. This team helps us make the dream of SPEAK Tour a reality.
As a result, SPEAK Tour is coming to an area near you! There will be fun outdoor games, incredible worship, and ultimately the gospel will be shared. SPEAK Tour is a perfect opportunity for students to invite their lost friends to hear and respond to the gospel!