Be Encouraged: We Are All Searching

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The life we live as humans is all about a search.

We are searching for something that will fulfill us and make us whole. We have a longing inside our souls to belong, to be important and to be loved.

The great news is that God is searching for us in order that we may come to him and be filled. God’s desire is that we are filled by the grace of Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to make an impact in this world for Him.

If we seek we will find (Matthew 7:7-8), but this is only possible because the Shepherd is searching for us (Luke 15:1-10).

There’s yet another side to this equation: When I am lost, I know that I need identity and purpose.

What happens when I come to the Shepherd, though? So many times we as believers are mere wanderers. We feel as though we are doing nothing productive on this earth.

I encourage you today to realize your purpose and follow it with passion. This trip will have many twists and turns, but when you know you have a purpose it will make it all worthwhile.

One might ask, “But what is my purpose?” Glad you asked. Our purpose as believers is to know and make known the name above all names, Jesus Christ.

I was asked to speak at an event a few months ago for high school students in our area. I know that they struggle, as I did, with “this great search.”

The event actually used the theme “The World’s Greatest Search.” I wrote this poem for that speech and, if I may, I’d like to share it with you.

The “World’s Greatest Search” I believe
Shall be driven by these Eight P’s.

God’s means of communication
In this search, it’s the only way to avoid complete isolation

The search begins here
One’s search must always keep purpose near.

In order to arrive at my destination
This search will require a plan to answer the equation.

Hurt, heartache and suffering are mere
When in this search through God growth does persevere.

Distractions are sure to be thrown
In this search, the focus must remain known

A craving for success deep inside
That drives one to search far and wide

This is where one knows they can be
If only one continues to search and see

It’s the attitude that’s key
In this search, it can never be all about me

“The World’s Greatest Search” won’t be easy
nor speedy.
But in the end
When we rest, high upon that mountain
And the Savior we shall meet
We will know that we
Yes we, have made the great ascent.

God is on the move! Are you seeking him in every aspect of your life?

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