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Student Events

With every event that is organized through YMlink, we focus on being intentional – making sure that we have clear vision and purpose, reaching as many students as possible, believing that we can have impactful results. Whether evangelism, discipleship, girls, boys, or all-encompassing, we want you to know that we are we are here to resource and encourage you in your ministry to students.

Super Summer is an intense week of discipleship. Each summer, students from across Alabama converge on the campus of Samford University for a week of biblical training. Throughout the week, participating students will be challenged, motivated, and encouraged in their walk with the Lord. This is a “beyond the basics” discipleship week where students will be worshiping and studying with like-minded students from across the state. The camp focuses on two major themes: Leadership & Discipleship. Students who participate will be challenged to deepen their faith and stand out as the leader God wants them to be.

The YM Link team met and dreamed about how we can reach students, age 12 to 18, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our goal is not just to reach students, but also to assimilate them into churches for baptism, and to mobilize them to go out and reach their neighbors. With that dream in mind, the heartbeat of our team is to pour into Alabama Baptist churches across all areas of our state by partnering with local associations. 

As a result, SPEAK Tour is coming to an area near you! There will be fun outdoor games, incredible worship, and ultimately the gospel will be shared. SPEAK Tour is a perfect opportunity for students to invite their lost friends to hear and respond to the gospel!

Do you want your students to encounter missions in a way that educates, equips, energizes and engages them? Do you want them to grow spiritually as they learn to look beyond themselves through new experiences and gain confidence in sharing the Gospel through service and love?

We understand these desires and wish to help you see them come to life through YMlink On Mission

In a godless culture, we need to meet some critical needs for our young men.

Fortify is a one-day event that seeks to strengthen teen guys (7th-12th grades) with hard-hitting biblical teaching specifically aimed at revealing their Christ-centered identity in response to the confusing messages of today’s culture.

The call to ministry can seem like the most complex decision to wade through. We want to help. 

The Called conference is a one-day event designed to help students (High School through College) who are dealing with the life changing call to ministry.