The Power of YES

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What happens when we say YES to God’s calling on our lives? We have no way of fully knowing what the outcome will be. In Luke 5:1-11, we read the account of Peter, James and John following Jesus. These men went from being fishermen to being fishers of men. All of this happened when they said YES to Jesus’ calling. I have learned in my life that YES is always best when it comes to following Christ.

Here are six reasons why saying YES to Jesus is best:

1. YES with Jesus is better than anything or anyone else.

Christ is enough for us. If we choose an item or another person over following Christ, we are choosing second-best things for our lives. In this world, we will find nothing greater than Jesus.

2. YES leaves the past behind and trusts the future to Him.

Often we are held back by our past mistakes or the things that we want to personally accomplish. We get in our own way. We put up roadblocks when it comes to following what God has for us. The reality is He is just calling you to say YES. He takes care of our future and covers our mistakes of the past with His blood.

3. YES does not mean perfection; it means following.

Peter, James and John were not perfect at all. They lied, sought power, were prejudiced and hid when Christ was crucified. Despite all these, God used them to build His Kingdom because they kept pursuing Him.

4. YES means that Christ is your authority.

When you say YES, it means that you are placing your hope, your trust and your loyalty in Christ. He is the ultimate authority, and you should gladly submit your life to Him.

5. When you say YES, you experience God’s faithfulness.

God is always faithful to us. He will finish what He begins. His timing is perfect. His ways are perfect. God will show up in ways that you will never experience until you say YES to whatever it is that He is calling you to.

6. YES is YES, even when it’s hard and you do not feel like it.

You will have moments when it’s not fun to follow. You will have moments when you don’t want to follow. You will have people who try and discourage you from saying YES, but I want to encourage you to keep on. Stay on the road that God has called you to walk on. Don’t quit. Don’t ever give up.

You have no idea how God may use you when you say YES. Peter did not know that he would write 1 and 2 Peter. He had no idea that he would preach the first sermon in the church and that 3,000 people would get saved. He just forsook the comforts of what he knew and followed Christ.

Here are a few things that we are all called to say YES to:

  1. Study the Word.
  2. Pray.
  3. Serve people.
  4. Serve in your local church.
  5. Make worship a priority.
  6. Share the Gospel.
  7. Forgive people.

What is God calling you to?

What if the person who led you to Christ told the Lord no? Where would you be right now? What if the person who taught you to study the Bible said, “No, thanks. I don’t want to know God’s Word personally”? Where would you be right now?

What if the person who discipled you said no thanks to the command to making disciples? Who would have invested in you?

What is your YES?

YES is always best!

State Missionary Josh Meadows serves as student ministry strategist with the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions. He may be contacted at 1-800-264-1225, ext. 2262, or 334-613-2262, [email protected].

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